Discover Emotional Wellbeing

Build up emotional resilience and strengthen yourself for all challenges of life

A Smarter Way to Emotional Wellness

With 30 years of research and development, Kalliso is equipped to guide you on a transformative journey towards emotional mastery and well-being. Our ethos is centred on enriching your personal and interpersonal experiences, fostering deeper connections and enhancing your overall wellness. Let us guide you in your journey to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Before working with Kalliso, emotions were like a foreign language for my client…Kalliso helped us to have a common language – it was no longer purely intellectual knowledge of emotions, suddenly we had an experienced understanding.

Allys Johnson

Clinical Psychologist, Australia

Have you ever noticed yourself feeling ‘off’?

When your mind struggles, your body knows. Dealing with stress regularly can lead to underlying emotional blockages and tension that strains our nervous systems.

Most negative influences in our day-to-day lives are subtle and go unnoticed. But over time they can snowball into bigger issues, having a serious and lasting impact on our wellbeing.


Want Safe and Effective Body-based Emotion Management Training?

Harness the power of Kalliso’s Techniques to identify and balance your emotion system and restore homeostasis. Our body-focused methodology enables you to safely release those blockages and tensions through easy and precise exercises. Kalliso’s theories provide you with a logical and consistent framework for understanding the human emotion system and how to respond effectively to life’s ups and downs

Want Safe and Effective Body-based Emotion Management Training?

Harness the power of Kalliso’s Techniques to identify and balance your emotion system and restore homeostasis. Our body-focused methodology enables you to safely release those blockages and tensions through easy and precise exercises. Kalliso’s theories provide you with a logical and consistent framework for understanding the human emotion system and how to respond effectively to life’s ups and downs


Research-Backed Wellbeing Solutions!

Kalliso’s Wellbeing techniques align with the contributions of leading psychiatric and medical experts like Dr Dan Siegel, Dr. Bruce Perry, and Dr. Peter Levine. An extensive study regarding Kalliso Techniques, financed by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs and Youth in Austria, revealed the negative affects of suppressed emotion. Kalliso Techniques are used in several state certified programs in Germany, and are endorsed by Australian clinical psychologists and doctors.


Want More Information? Book a 15-Min Call with Us

Speak with one of our certified instructors about how Kalliso can help you. In this 15-minute phone or video call, you’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions, and learn how Kalliso’s Wellbeing Techniques can help you achieve your goals.

Kalliso Techniques are emotion management for everyone.

Professor Tony Attwood

Clinical Psychologist

Kalliso Wellbeing in Just 30 minutes

$50.00 AUD    $35.00 AUD

Our 1:1 online consultation offers a personalised introduction to Kalliso’s approach to emotional well-being. Conducted by a certified instructor, this 30-minute session blends Q&A, theory, and guided exercises to show you how to navigate emotional roadblocks, tune into your body’s internal signals, and foster emotional serenity. Ready to take control of your emotional well-being?

$50.00 AUD    $35.00 AUD


Kalliso Wellbeing Services

If you’re grappling with the weight of daily pressures and stress, then our courses are for you. Designed to address specific problems and conditions such as Stress, our specialised courses provide practical, movement-based exercises designed to release emotional blockages.

Our comprehensive courses delve into the six core human emotions, you will gain insights and learn techniques that will positively reframe and skillfully manage these emotions, helping you regain balance in your life. With Kalliso, turn your emotions from a foe to your helpful friend, guiding you towards a harmonious and vibrant life.


Stress Management Courses

Choose Kalliso in your wellbeing journey. Our stress management courses use proven body-based techniques to help with your path to wellbeing. Our supportive community are hereto guide and support your path towards a more balanced lifestyle.


8-Week Wellbeing Courses

Cultivate your personal growth and enhance your emotional intelligence in a supportive, online group environment. Our courses are held by certified trainers and offer a blend of practical exercises and insightful theory that will help you uncover your emotional landscape.

Prefer a Personalised Experience?

If you’re seeking an individually tailored approach to enhancing your wellbeing, try our 1:1 Online Sessions. Discuss your specific wellbeing goals and needs with one of our certified instructors and employ targeted body-focused exercises that reset your central nervous system and restore homeostasis, ensuring long-term improvement in your wellbeing.


Individual Online Stress Management Session - 1HR



For some time, I have been interested in the relationship between the body and mind.  As a professional working with the mind, I became curious about the PEM approach to emotions and wellbeing. I found the Stress Management course to be very experiential, and Kalliso’s philosophy and techniques were so interesting to learn and practice. I have become more intuitive of my body and emotions and my responses to everyday situations. What began with professional curiosity, has become of personal benefit. It has left me wanting more!

Gai Pastor
Psychologist, Sydney, Australia

Kalliso uses the most effective method regarding dealing with human emotions that I have encountered globally.

Dr Patrick Frottier
Medical University of Vienna

Kalliso Techniques are emotion management for everyone.

Professor Tony Attwood
Clinical Psychologist and Emotion Regulation Specialist

Kalliso offers a way to learn about and use emotions in a way that neither scares nor overwhelms participants. This experience is liberating and empowering, and offers the opportunity to find the authentic self.

Allys Johnson
Clinical Psychologist

Kalliso underpins a revolutionary way to explicitly teach self-management of emotions. Its framework in teaching is detailed yet easy to apply. The technique itself is based on our natural engrams or brain biology and hence its level of effectiveness. In its practice, Kalliso explicitly builds body awareness of feelings and body movements. These feelings or sensations in the body then form the framework for our brain to process the emotion/s.

Dr Brendan Oakley

Since discovering and practising Kalliso exercises, I have found that I feel calmer and better equipped to manage stressful situations – life just feels that much easier.

Antonia Prebble
New Zealand
Mystery Person

Nothing else I have done, had the effects like the exercises I have learned with the Kalliso Technique.

Inge R.