Transforming Lives Through the Power of Emotion.
30 years ago, Kalliso founder Stephan Perdekamp discovered the true biological nature and function of emotions and developed a step-by-step method to help people transform their emotional wellbeing. Kalliso was founded to share this life-changing knowledge with the world.
Through personalised 1:1 sessions and interactive group programs, we help individuals, groups and organisations step into their potential through our groundbreaking approach.
Transforming Lives Through the Power of Emotion.
30 years ago, Kalliso founder Stephan Perdekamp discovered the true biological nature and function of emotions and developed a step-by-step method to help people transform their emotional wellbeing. Kalliso was founded to share this life-changing knowledge with the world.
Through personalised 1:1 sessions and interactive group programs, we help individuals, groups and organisations step into their potential through our groundbreaking approach.
Revolutionising Emotional Wellbeing Since 1994.
Developed over three decades of dedicated research, our hallmark methodology empowers you to identify, access, manage, and harness your emotions to improve your life in profound ways.
By integrating a deep biological understanding of emotions, our body-focused approach effectively clears emotional blockages, burdens, and patterns from your nervous system, addressing the root cause of your wellbeing challenges.
Unlike traditional therapies, our comprehensive, bottom-up approach is physical and practical, providing lifelong tools for emotional health and resilience.
For decades, our method has been exclusively taught at PEM Centre Germany, which is a state certified institution and non-profit organisation. Now, with Kalliso, our method is available in Australia and serves clients internationally.
“I think [Kalliso Techniques] will potentially save lives.”
– Professor Tony Attwood
Clinical Psychologist, Emotional Regulation Specialst, Advisor to Kalliso
Our Mission
Our mission is to revolutionise emotional education and management, empowering individuals worldwide to understand, harness, and embrace their emotions. As global trailblazers in emotional research and education, we aim to shift the narrative around emotions by providing comprehensive emotional education, practical techniques for emotion management, and highlighting the integral role emotions play in the human experience. Through our innovative approach, we support personal growth, healing, and holistic wellbeing.
Our History
Kalliso Techniques, along with its parent program PEM (Perdekamp Emotional Method), was developed 30 years ago by Stephan Perdekamp as a groundbreaking approach for actors to convey authentic emotions purely on a physical basis. Traditionally, actors relied on personal, sometimes traumatic, experiences to reproduce emotions on stage. PEM revolutionised this by making it safe and reliable to access intense emotional states without straining the performer’s psyche.
As Perdekamp and his students worked with emotions in this way, they noticed significant stabilising and clarifying effects on their personal lives, which were observed by those around them. This unexpected benefit drew much interest, leading to the method’s adoption beyond acting training. PEM was adapted into a technique for the general public to better understand and manage their emotional wellbeing, now known as Kalliso Techniques.
Over the decades, Perdekamp and his team have collaborated with psychologists and therapists to ensure the method’s safety and efficacy. Many experts worldwide have praised the method for its innovative and effective approach to working with emotions.
Kalliso Techniques has since been taught in fields such as youth work, rehabilitation, post-burnout support, addiction recovery, mental health, refugee and asylum seeker assistance, prisons, disability support, and aid for autistic individuals.
Although Kalliso Techniques does not claim medical or therapeutic effects, it has shown that working with emotions in this way can resolve underlying blockages that hinder progress in conventional treatments.
Currently, two centres worldwide are certified by Stephan Perdekamp to teach PEM and Kalliso Techniques: PEM Centre Germany and Kalliso in Australia. PEM Centre Germany runs several state certified programs and is a registered NFP organisation. Kalliso is proudly a veteran-owned business and distributes PEM and Kalliso Techniques internationally.
Thousands of people worldwide have benefited from Kalliso Techniques, learning to manage their emotional wellbeing through this unique method. By returning to this fundamental understanding of emotion, individuals can navigate life with greater emotional clarity and stability.
“Kalliso Techniques is the most effective method of dealing with emotions that I have come across anywhere in the world.”
– Dr. Patrick Frottier
Psychiatrist, Medical University of Vienna
Meet the Founder of Kalliso

Pictured: Stephan Perdekamp
Stephan Perdekamp is a German playwright, producer, researcher and director. His keen awareness of energetic processes within human bodies led to the discovery of the human emotion system, and the subsequent development of Kalliso Techniques and its parent program PEM.
For the past decades, he has been teaching worldwide and training Instructors who pass on his knowledge locally.
The method is used in several state certified programs in Germany, and is highly recommended and supported globally by psychologists, psychiatrists and many experts in their respective fields.
Below is an interview where Perdekamp tells us more about how the method came about and what still surprises him in his work today.
An Interview With Stephan
You developed Kalliso Techniques 30 years ago. At what moment did it "click" and you knew you had discovered something important?
Before we found the trigger points, we worked with the facial muscles to analyse the expression of emotion. In these experiments, it was found that when all participants used facial expressions intensively, their bodies automatically moved forward. After observing this more and more often, it became clear to me that emotions move the body. The resulting hypothesis that emotions could be the ‘software’ of our musculoskeletal system was confirmed in more and more experiments. It dawned on me that emotions could be something completely logical, mechanical and useful that had been suppressed too much to be recognized as such. That was the “click” moment.
How did the Six Basic Emotions emerge?
In further experiments it became clear that there were “one-dimensional” movements that organized the body into basic movements: “forward,” “backward,” “pulling toward,” “pushing away,” “holding on,” and “letting go.” Later it turned out that all other emotions that I studied came about from combinations or variations of these “basic emotions.” Emotions turned out to be a completely logical, mechanically complex, and independent level of action that supports an infinite number of variations in the use of our musculoskeletal system in a kind of “Lego construction.”
What has changed for you personally through applying your own method?
I became more aware and more understandable of motivations, causes for actions, and the underlying causes of my own and other people’s actions. The fear of emotions disappeared. The efficiency in using my own strengths increased noticeably. I worked between 80 and 100 hours a week for more than a decade, which would have been unthinkable without the efficient use of my emotional action level.
Was there an experience with course participants that touched you the most?
Many different experiences were very impressive, especially the release from stress, pressure and fears is always a wonderful experience. In addition, people simply become more beautiful when they take off their rigid masks and regain access to their inner strengths and drives. In one course there was a young man who wanted to practice “grief” because he had not been able to cry for years and had the feeling that it might not be “healthy”. His fear of what we would do to him to awaken grief in him was only slightly less than his desperate hope of being able to regain access to his emotionality. When he found his grief with very little effort, no psychological stress and just three small exercises and started to cry, he was so happy that he jumped around the training room with tears streaming down his face and kept shouting out loud: “I can cry! Can you see that? I can cry! – It’s so beautiful!”
After so many decades as a teacher and practitioner - are there still surprises and new things for you?
On the one hand, I experience how widespread the undifferentiated suppression of individual drives is, and there are clear parallels that keep cropping up. I am able to recognise more and more complex connections more quickly and can help more effectively. But both in the positive and the negative, there are still nuances and moments that are new and affect or surprise me.
Are You Ready to Try Kalliso Techniques?
If you’re curious about Kalliso Techniques for your emotional health and wellbeing, or perhaps you have a specific issue you would like assistance with, we recommend scheduling an online Tryout Session with one of our Certified instructors to determine how we can best help.