

This 3-part workshop series will transform your relationship with emotions, deepen your sense of self, and refine how you relate to others.

This series is taught online or in-person in San Francisco during our international workshop tour. Please see your preferred location for dates, times and pricing.

We demystify emotion. Safely.

Emotions are neither good nor bad. They just are.

In fact, each core emotion has a specific, biological function to support our lives.

However, we do not receive an emotion education. This can leave us feeling disconnected from our bodies, afraid of emotion, confused about what we’re feeling, and wrapped up in patterns of unconscious behavioural or emotional cycles.

We’re here to help you demystify emotion, manage them directly in your body, and to reframe your perceptions.

Work with your body.

The rise in popularity for self-development initiatives has led to many of us exploring self-help books, trying different cognitive resources, implementing meditation and mindfulness into our daily routines – but two major problems persist:

A disconnection from our bodies.

A lack of understanding of emotions and how to manage them.

This is where we at Kalliso come in. Our techniques have been in development for the past 30 years and are supported by psychologists, psychiatrists and other health professionals worldwide.

Kalliso Techniques are emotion management for everyone.

Professor Tony Attwood
Clinical Psychologist and Emotion Regulation Specialist

For some time, I have been interested in the relationship between the body and mind.  As a professional working with the mind, I became curious about the PEM approach to emotions and wellbeing. I found the Stress Management course to be very experiential, and Kalliso’s philosophy and techniques were so interesting to learn and practice. I have become more intuitive of my body and emotions and my responses to everyday situations. What began with professional curiosity, has become of personal benefit. It has left me wanting more!

Gai Pastor
Psychologist, Sydney, Australia

Kalliso uses the most effective method regarding dealing with human emotions that I have encountered globally.

Dr Patrick Frottier
Medical University of Vienna

Kalliso offers a way to learn about and use emotions in a way that neither scares nor overwhelms participants. This experience is liberating and empowering, and offers the opportunity to find the authentic self.

Allys Johnson
Clinical Psychologist

Kalliso underpins a revolutionary way to explicitly teach self-management of emotions. Its framework in teaching is detailed yet easy to apply. The technique itself is based on our natural engrams or brain biology and hence its level of effectiveness. In its practice, Kalliso explicitly builds body awareness of feelings and body movements. These feelings or sensations in the body then form the framework for our brain to process the emotion/s.

Dr Brendan Oakley

Since discovering and practising Kalliso exercises, I have found that I feel calmer and better equipped to manage stressful situations – life just feels that much easier.

Antonia Prebble
New Zealand
Mystery Person

Nothing else I have done, had the effects like the exercises I have learned with the Kalliso Technique.

Inge R.
Mystery Person

I was absolutely relaxed after the course and apparently walked around with a smile the whole afternoon. I did not realise it myself, but I constantly noticed people smiling at me.

Ralph L.

These workshops are simultaneously a transformation and discovery of the self.

Reconnect to Your Biology

Reconnect to Your Biology

Learn the true mechanics of your breathing and emotion systems and work to bring your nervous system back to the healthy way nature intended.

Develop Internal Perception

Develop Internal Perception

Discover unconscious neurological access points for core emotions in the body to help identify emotions as well as consciously manage them productively.

Unlock the Wisdom of Your Emotions

Unlock the Wisdom of Your Emotions

Gain a repertoire of Kalliso’s unique full-bodied exercises to clear old emotional burdens as well as patterns inhibiting your authentic expression.

Cultivate Self-Understanding & Trust

Cultivate Self-Understanding & Trust

Get to know yourself and your emotional landscape deeply, and trust that you can navigate life from this place of centredness and integrity.

Reclaim Your Emotional Experiences

Reclaim Your Emotional Experiences

Receive an emotional (re)education and discover the true nature of emotions as functional, innate movement patterns that you can harness consciously.

Step Into Your Potential

Step Into Your Potential

By working with the deepest layers of the nervous system, we can clear the way for you to step into your biggest, most authentic self.

Workshop 1: Emotional Awareness & Regulation

Prerequisites: None

Exploring the core emotions Aggression & Happiness alongside our fundamental exercises, which include practical tools for self-regulation, releasing tension within your breathing system, and how to connect to your intuition and emotional awareness.


Aggression gives us strength to push through hardship, to drive us towards our goals, and to stand up for what is important to us. Differentiating Aggression from violence is necessary to uncover its true function and potential to support our lives.

Happiness teaches us to relax, let go, and to connect. Truly and deeply relaxing is enormously difficult in a society where we’re always on the go. Learn to access happiness physiologically, to make the most of your time off, and sleep deeper.

Workshop 2: Strength & Connection

Prerequisites: Workshop 1

Exploring Grief & Desire and how they relate to our innate sense of strength and self, which we are often disempowered from. Connect to your unique drive and curiosities, while simultaneously opening up to connect more with others.


Grief fortifies our will, to fight for what is important to us. Different from suffering or loss, grief is a proactive emotion, and gives us strength to hold onto our purpose, the people we wish to hold close, and what we want from our lives.

Desire reveals what we like, where our curiosities lie, and how we like to spend our time when our other needs are fulfilled. Everyone has different tastes in all aspects of life. Discovering one’s individual desire is essential to living true to oneself.

Workshop 2: Strength & Connection

Prerequisites: Workshop 1

Exploring Grief & Desire and how they relate to our innate sense of strength and self, which we are often disempowered from. Connect to your unique drive and curiosities, while simultaneously opening up to connect more with others.


Grief fortifies our will, to fight for what is important to us. Different from suffering or loss, grief is a proactive emotion, and gives us strength to hold onto our purpose, the people we wish to hold close, and what we want from our lives.

Desire reveals what we like, where our curiosities lie, and how we like to spend our time when our other needs are fulfilled. Everyone has different tastes in all aspects of life. Discovering one’s individual desire is essential to living true to oneself.

Workshop 3: Anxiety & Boundaries

Prerequisites: Workshops 1 & 2

Exploring Fear & Revulsion and how they are essential for managing anxiety, regulating our energy levels, and setting boundaries in both personal and professional settings. Learn how these emotions protect yourself and others.


Fear injects us with a burst of adrenaline, and tells us what we wish to flee from. Fear can even be energising when we’re screaming on rollercoasters, but less so when it is withheld. Learning to release and manage fear is an empowering process.

Revulsion demonstrates what we wish to distance ourselves from. The universally most suppressed emotion, revulsion is how we set boundaries, say no, and walk away from what no longer serves us. Revulsion is often underrated, and extremely necessary to live a balanced life

Workshop 4, 5 & 6 available in Level 2. Learn more >>

Pictured: Sarah Victoria, New York PEM Intensive, 2024

20 years of experience.

Leading this course series is Sarah Victoria, CEO and Director of Kalliso and PEM International. She wrote her master’s thesis about the Perdekamp Emotional Method (PEM), Kalliso’s parent program, in 2004 and has been teaching for over 20 years.

Read more about Sarah

Specialising in coaching for both performance development and emotional health, Sarah has introduced Kalliso’s parent program PEM at the Royal Society of Medicine in London, held masterclasses and keynote speeches at various international conferences, has taught workshops in prisons, for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre and Aspergers Victoria, as well as coached professional actors working in major TV and film productions internationally. Sarah, as the worlds foremost expert on PEM, has years of experience helping not only performers, but people with diagnosed conditions such as PTSD, ADHD and Autism through Kalliso.

Sarah has been teaching and leading PEM masterclasses at drama universities worldwide such as UCI, Los Angeles, SMU, Dallas, the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, the National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney, the Victorian College of the Arts in Melbourne, the National School of Drama in Delhi, the University of Johannesburg, Babes-Bolyai-University in Romania and plenty more all around the world. 

20 years of experience.

Leading this course series is Sarah Victoria, CEO and Director of Kalliso and PEM International. She wrote her master’s thesis about the Perdekamp Emotional Method (PEM), Kalliso’s parent program, in 2004 and has been teaching for over 20 years.

Specialising in coaching for both performance development and emotional health, Sarah has introduced Kalliso’s parent program PEM at the Royal Society of Medicine in London, held masterclasses and keynote speeches at various international conferences, has taught workshops in prisons, for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre and Aspergers Victoria, as well as coached professional actors working in major TV and film productions internationally. Sarah, as the worlds foremost expert on PEM, has years of experience helping not only performers, but people with diagnosed conditions such as PTSD, ADHD and Autism through Kalliso.

Read more about Sarah

Sarah has been teaching and leading PEM masterclasses at drama universities worldwide such as UCI, Los Angeles, SMU, Dallas, the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, the National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney, the Victorian College of the Arts in Melbourne, the National School of Drama in Delhi, the University of Johannesburg, Babes-Bolyai-University in Romania and plenty more all around the world. 

Pictured: Sarah Victoria, New York PEM Intensive, 2024

Choose Your Location

At present, the Emotional Resilience course series is taught online or in-person in San Francisco during our international workshop tour. Please click on your preferred location to see dates, times, pricing and to book your spot.

San Francisco

Level 1: Workshops 1, 2 & 3
October 7, 9 & 10 2024

San Francisco

Level 2: Workshops 4, 5 & 6
October 14-16 2024


Held on Zoom.
Dates TBA.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can benefit from these workshops?

Absolutely anyone and everyone! We believe every single person on the planet could benefit from our method. In fact, it is our mission to teach as many people as possible how to identify, access and manage their innate biological emotion system.

Are these workshops suitable for people with specific mental health conditions?

The workshop is generally suitable for most people, and Kalliso Techniques is a wonderful complementary tool for other therapies. If you’re unsure, please arrange a 15min consultation with us so we can better understand your individual circumstances and if our Emotional Resilience program is most suitable for you.

Are the live sessions recorded?

Due to privacy reasons, the live online sessions are not recorded.

What if I miss a live session?

Each 90min class is packed with information and resources, with each session building on the next. If you can’t make it to one of the live sessions, we ask that you arrange a 1:1 with your Instructor to catch up on missed content, preferrably before the next class.

What if I'm scared of my emotions?

We understand that years of misconceptions, mismanagement and societal judgement of emotions can lead to fear. Our step-by-step approach offers a way for you to encounter the true biology of emotion instead of the experiences you might have had with them.

Our exercises are structured for you to come in and out of emotions quickly and safely, and we teach a variety of release exercises to always return you to an open, relaxed and present state.

Demystifying emotion is part of the process of managing the fear around them. And, with time and practice, they can be empowering, energising and even fun.

Will I need to share experiences from my past?

Our Emotional Resilience courses are not therapy. They are practical, live online classes to transform your relationship with emotions through our Hallmark Exercises and Emotional (Re)Education.

While we do ask for your feedback and observations during classes so we can give you tailored advice and recommendations, we do not ask you to share personal stories or your history. If you’d like to focus on a specific topic not covered in Emotional Empowerment, we suggest booking a 1-1 Private Session with one of our instructors.

How often do I need to practice the exercises?

The more you practice, the faster you’ll see changes and development. We recommend a minimum of twice per week outside of course times. However, even students who only practice during live sessions have reported positive outcomes. Regularity is key, but any amount of practice can contribute to progress.

When will I notice changes in myself?

Each session of this course series is jam-packed with groundbreaking knowledge about the true nature of your emotions. Common feedback we hear from our students is that each session makes them consider themselves and the world differently. For deeper emotional patterns, however, this largely depends on how often you practice the exercises, but you can expect to notice changes by the end of the course.

How is this different from other emotion management programs?

No other program out there currently is able to address the nervous system and emotion in the unique way ours does. Our groundbreaking methodology provides physical tools for identifying emotion, emotional regulation, clearing built-up tension and charge in the nervous system, self-awareness and understanding, as well as comprehensive emotion theory you won’t find anywhere else.

Can I learn this method anywhere?

There are two centres globally certified to teach our methodology. One is in Hamburg, Germany and the other in Australia with Kalliso. These are the sole institutions affiliated with and certified by Founder of Kalliso Techniques (and it’s parent program PEM) Stephan Perdekamp.

Need More Information?

If you have further questions about our Emotional Resilience program or want to know more about our method, we recommend scheduling a 30min online Tryout Session with one of our certified Instructors so we can learn more about your current circumstances and you can try our method for yourself.